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Concierge Services
With us all your dreams will come true!
Experience Concierge Service by ASAP Tickets. Everybody wants to feel special, important, taken care of. This is the feeling that ASAP Tickets creates by delivering a consistent best quality product that will amaze you by its efficiency and simplicity at the same time, that will make them feel happy and lucky by choosing our company.
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What Concierge Service Offers?
Do not miss the possibility to book our additional services (paying only for the service itself), that we are glad to offer for our loyal customers: hotel booking, apartment reservations, car rental, chauffeur drive services, tour guide planning, restaurant booking, visa information, lounge access, business meeting/conferences and cruise tour organization.
Hotel Booking / Apartment Reservations
Whether you want to stay in a well-known 5-star hotel, a cosy bed and breakfast or a cheap backpackers' hostel, we offer a wide range of quality accommodation. You can let us know of your preferences and we will help you find your perfect place to stay!
Car Rental / Chauffeur Drive / Transfers
Car Services booked in advance will enable you to get around the city quickly and easily. If you require any assistance with car rental, chauffeur drive or shuttle/minibus transfers, you can count on us!
Tour Guide
Should you need any further help with tour guide planning, do not hesitate to contact us. We will arrange personal tour for you or recommend tour agency of trust with professional local guides.
There is a big choice of restaurants starting from Michelin-starred with many celebrity chefs or traditional places with good delicious food or small cosy places with cheap options too.
Visa Information
All decisions for granting any type of visa (work, visitor, family, student, business, transit visas) remain with the Government subject to lodging a valid application using the free forms available on the Government website and meeting the relevant criteria. If you need any additional information regarding visa requirements or electronic visa service, we will be happy to advise you accordingly.
Lounge Access
Enjoy a VIP experience – access to over 850 airport lounges around the world in over 400 cities, regardless of the airline flown or class of ticket, without the need to book in advance. With us you will benefit of complimentary drinks, refreshments and pre-flight bites including alcohol, free newspapers and magazines, Wi-Fi, showers, bed and spa facilities. We will find you a place to relax and escape the stress of the airport.
Business Meetings / Conference Organization
We can help you find a range of options to suit your needs, meeting rooms elegantly designed and kitted out with the latest technology. You can book by the hour, half or full day, and our professional support team is always on hand to make sure your meeting or conference organization runs smoothly according to plan.
Cruise Tours
Escape the crowds and discover the city on a relaxing river cruise. There are a variety of river tours available to suit all tastes, including sightseeing trips with commentaries, themed cruises and dining experiences. We can help you book your tickets in advance to avoid the queue or you can also pick up tickets at pier ticket offices.
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